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Check out What's New in Early March
Check out What's New in Early March

We added some new cool features in early March, check out this article to learn more

Updated over a week ago

Jump Right to Tickets via Querystring

Looking to jump directly to the Purchase Tickets screen? Simply pass in ?show=tickets in the event URL and we'll load the ticket modal, wash out the background, and hide the x button. Alternatively, you can link to /event/####/tickets to show tickets as well.

Get Rid of the Blob URL in Your Web Site

Do you hate seeing that garble in your image and file links? Then you'll be happy to know that all new files coming out of the media engine will be hosted in your domain name. As well, you can now reference your files by using /media/assets/ as the prefix followed by your folder/file that you uploaded (e.g. /media/assets/js/scripts.js).

This allows you to use relative paths for optimal performance and branding.

Updates to Transactions

Now when you process a refund, we will keep the original transaction and create a new one for reference.

As well, we updated the UI for viewing a transaction.

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