This tutorial will help you include a confirmation email to people which includes the answers to questions they completed in a form. This can be used to ensure people selected the right value, confirmation email for accepting an agreement, etc.
Login to the PeopleVine Control Panel
Setup your Form
Setup a new Email Notification
Include the following markup (more importantly the data-pv tags) in your email body
<div align="left" data-pv-component="survey" data-pv-parameters="{customer_no: {@customer_no@}, survey_no: {@referenceType.survey@}, survey_response_no: {@referenceType.survey_response@}}" data-pv-type="response" style="text-align: left;"> <ul> <li data-pv-repeater="responses"><b data-pv-element="field_label" style="font-weight:bold;">Field Label</b>: <span data-pv-element="survey_answer">Response</span></li> </ul> <div></div> </div>
5. Setup the notification to go out after a form is completed.