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API / Customization / Advanced
API / Customization / Advanced
79 articles
We added Additional Transaction MetaData for Your Reports and TrackingWe expanded our transaction data and exports to now share with you when it was originally...
Poor Man's Way to Password Protect a Page or ExperienceAre you looking for a quick and easy way to password protect a page in our system? This snippet will help.
Setup a Staging Environment to Build and Test without Impacting Your MembersYou can setup a "staging" environment that allows you to move data between two accounts and avoid impacting your member base.
Wrapping Your Javascript with pvReady() Makes Your Code Work in the BuilderIf you're running javascript on the page or embedded in your code, make sure you wrap it with pvReady().
Add a content snippet to the My Account menu for customers
Automatically fill values on a form by passing it in the URL
Customize the Event Page with Banners and Content to Make it YoursUse a content snippet or banner rotators to enhance the /events page (or you can always go HAPI)
Pre-Select Options on a Form via the Query String (pass in via URL e.g. ?field_1234_56789=baseball)You can pass in data via the URL in order to pre-fill data on a form. This is best when trying to segment data using the same form.
Enable Phone Number Validation for US OnlyThis will setup an input box that when people type their phone number it will be formatted as (###) ###-####
HAPI - Include responses from a form in an e-mail confirmation
HAPI Sample - Account Subscription PageYou can customize the /account/subscription/# page with the following HAPI sample.
HAPI Forms - Now You're In ControlWith HAPI Forms you can completely customize and simplify the experience of creating and updating items in PeopleVine.
ID Tags and Classes Added to Every Out of the Box PageNow you can really customize the experience throughout PeopleVine by targeting specific pages or groups of pages.
HAPI - Scheduler - Sample Code for Multiple Slot SelectionCheck out the sample code from our live page for booking rooms.
HAPI Sample - Scheduler - Dining ReservationsBuild a custom scheduler page using this sample code.
HAPI Sample - Events PageBuild a custom events page (to view upcoming/past events) and a single event with this sample HAPI.
HAPI Sample - Blog PageBuild a custom page for your blog and viewing your blog to emphasize and highlight your brand.
Getting Started with Developing on PeopleVineLearn techniques, gain access to resources and follow along as we show you how to start developing on PeopleVine
Reward Points for First Time Visit and Future VisitsYou can engage people to try other locations within your network, by rewarding them points for first time visit.
Customize the Subscription Messaging ExperienceWe'll show you how you can custom the emails that go out when someone succeeds or fails at billing.
HAPI - Access Customer Total Values to Manipulate Content and LayoutWe offer nearly 50 commands that can bring back relevant data to control the user experience on the fly (server-side).
Process Payment on File API CallLearn how to connect your POS to PeopleVine and leverage our payment on file API for enabling convenience to your customers.
Add a Rewards Expiring Soon Snippet To Your Loyalty DashboardKeep your members informed on when their rewards expire with this little snippet.
Using the Checkout Engine
Leveraging the "Get" Engine to Automatically Enroll Non-Loyalty Members into the Loyalty ProgramThis feature is used when orders are processed through the Omnivore POS integration methods.
Running Performance and Penetration Tests Against PeopleVineExecuting tests against our production environment may result in fees and fines.
Send Newsletters from Your Servers/GatewayYou can send all outgoing emails from your PeopleVine account via your SMTP gateway. This allows for more isolated and frequent delivery.
Migrate HTML code from another platform to PeopleVinecopy and paste HTML from another platform into content pages, email newsletters, templates and layouts.