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Import data

Importing data from your existing database is an important function of getting started with Peoplevine. Learn how to get started here.

Updated over 11 months ago

You can easily import your data to Peoplevine by placing it in a CSV file and mapping the data to the appropriate fields in Peoplevine. Import existing contacts/people and products directly and hit the ground running.


You can easily import your data to Peoplevine by placing it in a CSV file and mapping the data to the appropriate fields in PeopleVine. Check out this guide for some samples and the overall data model.

Import general contacts

  1. Once logged into Peoplevine, navigate to the control panel by click the ⚙ cog icon on the right hand side.

  2. Select Import Customers under Settings and Tools.

  3. From this screen choose a .CSV file of customers you would like to import and select 'Load File'

  4. We will now display all the headers from Row 1 and display the ability to map your data to Peoplevine CRM.

  5. A few things you should know: Mapping is used to attach the data to a CRM record. You must map either email address or mobile number (or nothing will import) If we find an existing email address or mobile number, we'll update their data to prevent duplicate records. Email addresses and mobile numbers must be unique

  6. **Choose an Import Label if you would like to segment this group with an Import Label Attribute

  7. Once everything is mapped, click Process Import.

  8. We will send you an email confirmation when the import is complete.

Please note we DO NOT recommend that you import people that have opted out from your other platform (or at least set the opt_in_email value to N). This will ensure that your customers don't feel like they're being spammed (which can tarnish your brand).

Import existing members

Peoplevine provides you with the means to import data directly into your account. When importing members into the platform, please follow these steps:

  1. You first need to import your customer list:

  • Ensure your spreadsheet is saved as a CSV file.

  • Then under the company tools (click on your company name), click Import Data.

  • Select that you are importing People / Customers.

  • When mapping the data, ensure you map either an email address or mobile number. Skip over the membership related fields.

2. While your customers are being imported, you need to set up the membership types in Peoplevine.

  • When setting up these membership types, make sure you create a membership sku which you will refer to in your CSV file.

  • Keep in mind you can match imported data to the fields on a membership card, so ensure you set those up properly (e.g. Field 1).

3. After your customers are imported and the membership types are setup, you can now import your members.

  • Go to the company tools and click on Import Data

  • Select Members to a Membership from the import type

  • Attach the CSV file

  • Map the data (ensure that you have mapped a membership_sku along with some identifier of the customer such as email or mobile number; membership status should be set to active, inactive or pending)

  • Click Import

If you'd like each new member to receive an e-mail confirmation, we suggest you setup an Instant Notification Template which would automatically send an email or an SMS to the member with a link to download their digital membership card. Keep in mind if you don't want them to receive a notification, you must set the notification to draft while importing.

Import data via API

Connecting to the Peoplevine API allows you to import data in either batch or real-time. To learn more about our API visit

Import transactions

Peoplevine allows you to migrate transactions from another platform directly into Peoplevine either via our API or via importing transactions via a CSV file. Follow these steps to import via a CSV:

  1. Export your transaction data from another system. Ensure you export to a CSV file. If the other system doesn't support that, then you may need to open in Microsoft Excel and then click Save as CSV (comma separated values).

  2. Login to your PeopleVine account at

  3. Click on Sell and under transactions click Import Transactions

  4. Select your CSV file

  5. Map the fields in your CSV to the fields in Peoplevine

  6. Click Import

Once completed, Peoplevine will then send you an e-mail after the data was successfully imported.

Please note the following when importing data:

  • It is important you map a "Charged On" date so it shows up properly in your reporting. Otherwise it will default to 1/1/1900 12:00 AM

  • We will prevent uploads of duplicate items that match the same time, amount, customer, PO# and transaction ID.

  • If you need to disable or cancel transactions, you can set the Transaction Status to "cancelled". If nothing is provided for the status we will assume it was successfully "processed".

  • We will ONLY import transaction data that has a matching customer either by email address, mobile number or their customer reference (external ID). You can also supply their customer_no if known.

Import gift cards

Setting Up Your File

There are a few things you need to make sure your file has and a few ground rules. First, make sure your file has at least these fields:

  • Current Value

  • Email Address

If you don't supply a certificate number, we'll auto-generate one for you. The platform will also default the type of certificate to a gift certificate.

Importing Your File

Now that you have your data, make sure you save it to a CSV file. Then follow these steps:

  1. Login to the PeopleVine Control Panel

  2. Go to the Company Tools > Import Data

3. Attach the CSV file with at least the current value and email address.

4. Once uploaded, it will then prompt you to map the fields to the available fields for the import.

You can map the following fields when setting up your gift certificates:

  • Certificate Number (auto generated if not supplied)

  • Initial Value

  • Current Value

  • Status (active or inactive)

  • Gift Card Pin

  • Expires On

  • Created On / Issued On

  • Gift Card Type (giftcard, rewardcert, promocert)

  • A customer identifier is suggested to assign to an ownerEmail AddressMobile NumberCustomer_noCustomer Reference

The default values are highlighted if you don't supply anything. The expires on will default to your gift card settings. If a serial number already exists, we will update the values.

Import survey/form responses

You can import survey responses and applications captured on an external platform into Peoplevine by following the steps below. For the import to work, the survey must also be built in Peoplevine: this allows us to map the answers captured externally, to the survey in Peoplevine and to save this data to an individual CRM record.

NB. This process requires a good understanding of Excel and data management.

Ground rules

  • Data must be saved and imported using the csv Excel format and from a file saved on a desktop. Do not use other Excel file types, nor Google Sheets.

  • Email addresses must be unique (i.e. two individuals cannot share the same email address, else this will cause the CRM records to merge during import)

  • Mobile numbers must be unique (i.e. two individuals cannot share the same mobile number, else this will cause the CRM records to merge during import)

  • If mapping to an existing CRM record in Peoplevine, you may use the customer_no field to map responses to the record - especially, if you have no unique email address on record.

How to prepare the import file

  1. Open the csv file with the data you plan to import.

  2. If the data contains email addresses, check that there are no duplicates. Remove them if there are.

  3. If mapping to existing Peoplevine profiles, extract a 'My People' report from the reporting section titled 'export data to file' and include the following data fields:

    1. customer no

    2. first name

    3. last name

    4. email

  4. Perform a VLOOKUP using the email addresses (if they are all unique) or the last name to add the Peoplevine customer_no field to your import file.

  5. Your file may look something like this:

  6. The next task is to match each column to the question within the survey in Peoplevine.

Map questions from the Peoplevine survey/form to your import file

  1. Go to Engage> Manage forms/ surveys

    (NB this is in the 'standard dash' view. To change over to standard view, with more streamlined tools, go to your profile and edit the dashboard version from 'Pro' to 'Standard')

  2. Find the form you plan to import the data to. Remember, the questions in this form should match those you plan to import. In this example, we will use 'Sample':

  3. Click 'view questions'. From here you will see each question used in the form, together with unique settings. These settings, or fields IDs, will be added to your import file so that the data can map correctly:

  4. An important reminder at this stage that questions in a form should, wherever possible, be mapped to a CRM data point or attributes so you may continue to collect valuable data and insights into your customer. For more information on how to do this - see this article

  5. In the example shown above, the question 'First Name' has the fieldset ID field_75866_94152 and 'Last Name' field_75867_94153. Our import file however only has one column called 'name'. For the import to be successful, you will need to update the import file to have an additional column and split the full name into first name and last name.

  6. Copy and paste the field IDs into the first header row on the import file:

  7. Continue this process until all questions in the form are mapped to the data you plan to import. N.B. You will not need to change the header for customer_no.

  8. The 'photo' data cannot be mapped in this method. Please speak to Peoplevine Support or you Customer Success Manager for further guidance on this. For now. Please remove this data field from the import.

  9. Here is our updated import file:

Final preparation

  1. To import successfully, every import file requires a unique response ID.

  2. In the import file, add another column and label this response_id

  3. In each row, use the Excel formula =TEXT(RAND()*(999999999999-100000000000)+100000000000,"000000000000") - this will input a unique numeric number for each row. Copy this down for that each row has a unique number (copy the formulas and paste as text).

  4. If you are mapping to one form only, your file is now ready to be imported. Make sure you save as a csv file. If this is you, skip to the next section.

  5. If you are mapping responses to forms that are part of an application (multi-step), please continue to step 6 below.

  6. To map surveys to an application successfully, add an additional column and label this survey_group_no.

  7. Next, find the application that you plan to import data to:

  8. Hover your mouse over the review button, next to application and view the URL shown on the bottom left of your screen:

  9. The last number is the survey group no.

  10. Add that number under all rows in your data, underneath the survey_group_no column.

  11. Our import file is now ready:

  12. Save as a csv file.


  1. Go back to the survey/ form you plan to import to

  2. Click 'import data'

  3. Attach your import file

  4. You will see a summary on screen, similar to this:

  5. The left side shows your csv field headers, whereas the right side, shows the question or data point you will be mapping to.

  6. Check that these are correct and once happy, click 'process import'.

  7. You will receive an email notification once the import is complete.

  8. Repeat this step for any additional surveys/forms you plan to import to.

  9. N.B. If forms are being imported for an application, then the response_id for each form and person needs to match, e.g. form 1 for Jane Bloggs: the reponse_id is 625154879812, form 2 for Jane Bloggs is also 625154879812

Import applications to Peoplevine

  1. To map an application and statuses to Peoplevine, please make sure you have completed all of the steps mentioned so far under Import survey/form responses.

  2. Once all forms in the application flow have been mapped, prepare your import file for the application.

  3. You may use the same import file as the last form you mapped, with the addition of one more column header, which you can label application_status.

  4. Go to engage> manage applications> click 'review' next to the application you are importing.

  5. Click 'import file':

  6. Attach your saved csv file.

  7. In the example below, we will ignore the fields in blue and work with those that are highlighted in yellow:

  8. The import summary will look like the below:

  9. Once you have checked that everything is correct, 'process import'.

  10. You will receive an email notification once the import is complete.

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