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Omnivore for POS

Integrate Your Restaurant POS with PeopleVine through Omnivore.

Updated over a week ago

PeopleVine is integrated with a 3rd party processor called Omnivore which is the middleware/bridge between your POS backoffice and PeopleVine.  It allows all tickets, menu items and categories to sync to PeopleVine as well as the ability to process 3rd party payments.

In order to set this up, you must engage with PeopleVine Client Services to assist with the on-boarding. 

Some things you should know to get started:

  • We work with the following POS platforms (this list may change)

  • Aloha (EIT license also required)

  • Brink

  • Dinerware

  • InfoGenesis

  • Micros 3700

  • Micros Simphony 1

  • POSitouch


  • Azbar

  • Maitre'D

  • Squirrel

  • Veloce

There is an additional fee of $50/m per location to activate this feature (fee may change)

If you are using Aloha, there is another fee of $75/m per location

Each ticket at your restaurant will utilize a touchpoint along with other activities like earning points

Follow these steps to get started:

Please also make sure you have the right licensing in place.

For Aloha we need:

  • Interface Licensing

  • Aloha Connect

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