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Translating To Your Language
Updated over a week ago

PeopleVine supports the ability to translate the language of out-of-the-box pages by loading a language JSON file which will replace the default language with your specified language. This can also be used for customizing the standard fields with your specific text.

  1. Leverage the "ID and Labels - Portal - PeopleVine.xlsm" spreadsheet to identify all areas that you can manipulate the text. This is a great starting point and also provides an area to generate the necessary JSON file.

  2. Generate a JSON file with your language specific labels. For example:
     "contest": [
     "field": "contestAuthenticate",
     "value": "baseball",
     "type": "text"
     "field": "contestEmail",
     "value": "This is a test",
     "type": "text"
     "contest_register": [
     "field": "contestRegisterInfoBasicDirections",
     "value": "SAMPLE MESSAGE",
     "type": "text"
     "field": "contestRegisterInfoBasicYourName",
     "value": "ANOTHER FIELD",
     "type": "text"
     "field": "content_first_name",
     "value": "Su Nombre",
     "type": "placeholder"

    The structure is based on the page name (without the .extension) and an array of objects you want to update. Simply provide the field id in the "field" key, the new text in the "value" key and the type of field you are updating in "type". For example if you are updating the placeholder of an item, enter "placeholder" in "type". For most instances "text" will do the trick, but certain HTML elements require different code.

  3. Once the JSON file is generated, simply upload the file and retain the URL. You can upload a file in PeopleVine under Tools > Upload Media.

  4. In your page layout (under Engage > My Page Layouts) simply add the following code into the bottom of your Layout Footer (it's important it's at the end to ensure all elements load before calling this code.

    <script type="text/javascript">loadTranslations("/translate_sample.json");</script>

Your location specific text will now load.

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