Peoplevine provides a ton of out of the box / turn-key pages for use on your website. It truly simplifies the need to build a custom page, but we want you to have creative freedom if you decide to.
This feature is currently available for the following URLs:
/404 - File Not Found
(keyword: 404)/terms - Terms and Conditions
(keyword: terms)/privacy - Privacy Policy
(keyword: privacy)/cookie - Cookie Policy
(keyword: cookie)/contact - Contact Us
(keyword: contact)/blog or /news - Blog
(keyword: blog)/product - Commerce Product
(keyword: product or product_bundle for bundles)/shop - Commerce Shop
(keyword: shop or shop-filter when passing data to the URL)/account/offers - My Offers
(keyword: account_offers)/account - Customer Home
(keyword: account_customer_menu - this can be a page or a snippet)/blog_view - View a Blog Page
(keyword: blog_view)/offer - View an Offer
(keyword: offer)/events - All Events
(keyword: events or eventscalendar)/event/# - Event View
(keyword: event_view)/event/map - Event Map
(keyword: event_map)/faq - FAQ
(keyword: faq)/business/menu - Business Tools Menu
(keyword: account_business_menu)/directory/profile - Directory Profile
(keyword: directory_profile)/schedule/# - Scheduler
(keyword: schedule_appointment)/form/# - Form
(keyword: form_confirmation)
In order to enable this feature, all you have to do is:
Create a new content page
Assign the marketing keyword to the keyword displayed. For example to replace the Contact Us page at, setup a content page with marketing keyword contact
If you want to disable this feature, then change the marketing keyword or set the page to Draft mode.
Injecting a Snippet on a Page
You can also inject a snippet on an out of the box page where we've enabled this feature. To add a snippet to these pages, simply setup a new page and set it as page type Snippet. Then set the marketing keyword to include on that page.
/events - Events Page
(keyword: event_snippet)/events/map - Events Map
(keyword: event_map_snippet)