To leverage Fundraisers, you need to ensure the following items are completed:
Get sign off from your legal department on raising funds (there are certain laws you must observe)
Add the appropriate links to your site:
/fundraisers - takes you to all fundraisers that are public facing
/account/fundraisers - takes you to your account to manage your fundraisers
/account/fundraiser/create - launch a new fundraiserSetup the appropriate categories for fundraisers (see below)
Now that you got the basics completed, follow the steps below to setup your first fundraiser.
Launch a Fundraiser
Follow these steps:
Login to the PeopleVine Control Panel
Go to Sell > Transactions > Fund Raising > Start a Fundraiser
Fill in the required fields and select any necessary options. We suggest you select a campaign owner, this person has the ability to view and manage via your website.
After you save your fundraiser and set it to active, you're ready to start accepting funds.
Managing Fundraisers
As people create new fundraisers in the platform, you'll be able to manage them via the backend by going to Sell > Transactions > Fund Raising > Manage Fundraisers. Here you can edit, deactivate and see all donations.
We suggest you subscribe to alerts to be notified when a new fundraiser is created by clicking here: Setup Alert
Q: Where do all the funds go after someone donates?
A: The funds are automatically added to the bank account associated with your merchant account (payment processor). You are responsible for dispersing funds to the fund campaign owners or beneficiary.