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Filter Your Directory By Passing in an Attribute

Send people to a specific part of your directory by filtering with attributes.

Updated over a week ago

Lets say you have a filter on the left hand side that you want to drive traffic to, in order to filter your results list further.  You can include a JSON array containing the a few data pieces.  With this setup, you can send a user to: 

/directory/listing?search=[{attribute_no: 782, attribute_value: 'Art for Life', orAttributes: true}]

Which will now filter the results for items which are tagged with attribute 782 and the value Art for Life.  The orAttributes tag is used whether or not you want to combine or include all results.  

You can obtain the attribute_no value by editing the attribute in the Control Panel and looking in the URL for ?attribute_no=1234 where 1234 is the value you want to use. 

Please note that the attribute_value must be a direct match. 

Alternatively, without passing in this data, the user would need to check the box and click Apply Filter to narrow results.

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