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Connect your POS to peoplevine and leverage more data

18 articles
POS integrationsConnect your existing POS with Peoplevine Connect to lookup members, sync order data, process card-on-file payments plus more.
Toast POSWith our Toast integration, you can reward people points, use rewards to pay for the check and track/manage your member accounts.
Troubleshooting ToastIf you're getting an error "Error validating the loyalty account," it is most likely related to a change in the member's profile.........
POS Integration Payment Processing - Authorized ChargesThis article will show you how using your card on file processes and you receive the funds.
Set up Categories for Revenue by CategoryIf your POS isn’t syncing the category info into Peoplevine, you will need to setup new categories and assign products, in order to...
Add a Card on File with Square POSWe recommend you having your members register their card on file at your POS for the most secure and cost-effective way fo..................
User Stories and Flows for Your POS IntegrationRead more about integrating your POS with PeopleVine and the user flows we recommend.
Access Rules in Seven roomsYou can surface the type of reservation someone is booking by setting up access rules associated with public descriptions.
Configure & Track Member Spend in AlohaThis guide will show you how to configure your Aloha system to track member spend and allow members to use their card on file.
Tracking & Payments in AlohaGet a quick guide on how to track member activity and process payments in Aloha. A great guide to provide to your staff.
Set up your POS to work with Loyalty
Declined "Card on File" Transactions Processed by Your POS IntegrationDid you see a decline message at the POS when attempting to charge someone's "Card on File"? See how to research the reason for declines.
Split Checks for Multiple Members - AlohaLooking to reward multiple members or multiple members want to pay on the same check? Then check out this tutorial on how to split checks.
Pay with Credit Card on File - AlohaThis tutorial will show you how a member can pay with their credit card (or ACH) on file.
Troubleshooting AlohaIf your orders aren't syncing or you are seeing an error when using the payment button, follow these steps.
Configuring the Tender and Menu Items in AlohaThis tutorial will show you how to setup the POS for taking payments and capturing the member ID.
Peoplevine Payment Flow Integrated with POSPeoplevine supports "pay with rewards/gift card", "card on file" and "house account" integrated with the POS for an optimal experience.
Paying with House Account and/or Card on FileWith our NCR and Aloha integrations via Omnivore users can use their food and beverage credits and cards on file to process transactions