Peoplevine, by default, will order all products in eCommerce by the product title (A to Z). However, within categories (and this cascades down to other views e.g. brand or all) you can override the ordering of products by following these steps:
In the Control Panel, click on your company name and then click on Categories.
Find the Category you want to adjust the ordering for and go to the menu.
Click on Re-Order Products in this Category (this is only available to product based categories).
Drag and drop the items in the order you prefer and click Update Order.
*Note that the ordering screen will show all products even if they're hidden or no longer exist. Simply remove the item from the category if you don't want it displayed here.
You can also update your navigation to link directly to a specific sort by passing one of the following sort methods via the query string parameter sortby:
pricehigh - highest price first
pricelow - lowest price first
best selling - by products that have the most sales first
atoz - alphabetical
ztoa - reverse alphabetical
brand - by brand name
newest - by newest products first
category_order_no - sort by the ordering in the system (default)
An example would be /commerce_shop.aspx?sortby=pricehigh.