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Newsletters: Overview

Use the Connect dashboard to design, select and send communication to your database

Updated over a week ago

Create a newsletter template

Did you just spend some time perfecting that e-mail, the font, the colors, the spacing, etc.? And you believe this is something you'll use again? Then we suggest that you setup a Newsletter Template that can be dragged and dropped into your e-mail. Follow these steps to set this up.

  1. First go to your newsletter, launch in builder, then click the HTML editor to view the source.

2. Select all and copy the text in the HTML tab (you only need the Stylesheet if setting up a landing page template).

3. Now navigate to Connect > Layouts & Templates > Newsletter Templates > Setup New Template

4. Fill in the basics, paste in the HTML source code you just copied to Template HTML and then make sure you set the Version ID to 2.0 (this should match the version number of your newsletter layout).

5. We suggest you add it to a category and add a preview image as this will display in the builder.

Setting Up a Default Notification Template for Emails

When the PeopleVine platform sends out notification templates it will look for a default wrapper to apply your company's branding on the outgoing email. Follow these directions to set it up:

  1. In your master company account, go to Connect and click New Newsletter Layout.

  2. Setup your layout with your design, but do not set it as the default template (unless you're using it for your own personal marketing).

  3. Identify the newsletter_style_no and you will now place this in the web.config file for your instance as such:

<add key="newsletter_style_no" value="2"/>

Once this is set, PeopleVine will use this template to wrap every outgoing system notification.

Example - After someone completes a survey, you can automatically send them a confirmation containing their responses by leveraging the following template:

Thank you for your response to the survey <strong><pv type="variable" reference_type="survey" reference_no="{@reference_no@}" field_name="survey_name" id="survey_title"/></strong>.
<h3>Please confirm your responses below:</h3>
<pv type="template" reference_type="survey" reference_no="{@reference_no@}" firstClass="active" id="surveyAnswers">
<p>If you see an issue with one of your responses, please click the link below to re-submit your responses.</p>
<pv type="variable" reference_type="survey" reference_no="{@reference_no@}" field_name="component_link" id="linktosurvey" cssclass="btn btn-info btn-lg" linktext="Update Responses" format="link"/>


With PeopleVine's Instant Notification Engine, you can automatically send an e-mail or SMS directly to a person the second after they complete an action. For example, you may want to send a request for feedback survey as soon as they attend an event.

Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Login to your PeopleVine account (

  2. If you are going to link to other content (e.g. a survey, digital offer, landing page, etc.) you will need to create that first and then get the link.

  3. Once you have the link, go to Connect and click Setup New Notification

  4. You will be prompted to set up a new newsletter, where you can choose to use existing template, use the PeopleVine Builder or use your own HTML if you are an advanced user.

  5. Note that the status is set to pending to allow you to preview before sending to real customers or to allow change and collaboration with other team members.

  6. Create an appropriate campaign name and enter preview text if you wish.

  7. Under delivery options, choose the email from which the notification should be sent and the replying address, which can be different. To enable a user the right to send-from, make sure they are an Admin user.

  8. Next, select the correct Newsletter Primary Purpose. In this instance, we are setting up a push-notification

  9. Now choose to add further details, including the option to add to a category Toggle on 'enable auto log-in' and 'send to cc email', if appropriate. We recommend leaving the opt-out option in place.

  10. If you chose to use the PeopleVine Builder, you will now be taken to it so you can customise the look, feel and layout of the content. Once you've utilise the snippets and completed your design, go to the top right hand corner and click on 'save and exit'.

  11. On the next screen you will be prompted to schedule when to send and see that the newsletter is still pending approval.

  12. Click 'Schedule When to Send' and choose from the options shown and scroll down to select which event or events this notification

  13. Now when that user completes the action, PeopleVine will automatically send them the Instant Notification.

Send a group email

Now that you've created templates and set up notifications, you can start to send out newsletters to specific members within your CRM.

  1. Go to Connect>Send Email Newsletter

  2. By now you should already be familiar with the newsletter creation tools: remember you can use the PeopleVine builder or use your own html to design the layout or select from pre-existing newsletter templates you have created.

  3. Please be aware that if you enable auto-login for links, the recipient will be able to forward the email onto a third party who will have access to the members account (not recommended if sending to active members).

  4. If utilising PeopleVines Builder and you'd like to create a new template, drag a drop snippets to quickly build your newsletter and click 'save and exit' once complete.

  5. On the next screen you have the option of selecting recipients and choosing when to schedule it to go out.

  6. Choose which category of recipients you would like to target, noting that each category will give you further options to select from:

  7. In this example, we selected 'Membership', which we're now prompted to refine further as below:

  8. Once you've made your selection, simply 'add to recipients & continue'

  9. Note, you can add multiple recipient categories for the same newsletter by adding more recipients from the menu screen.

  10. At this stage, your newsletter is still pending approval. It's good practice to send a preview to yourself to make sure the look and feel are how you would like it. The preview will be sent to you.

  11. If you are happy with the preview, click 'edit' from the options above and change the status from 'pending' to 'approved'.

  12. Now you can select when the newsletter will be sent, with the option to send now (notifications are sent at 15 minute intervals, i.e. 00, '15, '30 and '45 past the hour) or schedule a time in the future.

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