FAQs are great for creating a self-service experience and minimize inbound emails. You can setup a categorized FAQ in Peoplevine by following these steps:
First start out by setting up the various categories for your FAQ
Login to the PeopleVine Control Panel
Go to the Company Menu and click on Categories under Attributes & Tagging
Click on New Category
Enter the category name and assign this category to Content
The other settings aren't leveraged for FAQ categories, so you can click Create Now.
Once you've added all your FAQ categories, you can now write the FAQs by following these steps:
Now that your first FAQ is created, you will now find a /faq page on your website (e.g. yourcompany.com/faq) which will display the categories and FAQs.
You can also jump directly to a category of FAQs by using /faq?category_no=1234 where 1234 is the category_no assigned to the category.
Below is an example of the FAQ page.